Sunday, August 27, 2006


Watch Part 1 (click here)
Watch Part 2 (click here)
Watch Part 3 (click here)

Basic Story Outline: A man steals money, and runs away. Four men follow and catch him.
Genre': Action
Theme: Friendship, money and Orange makes us happy.
Director: PCN
Producer: Steven Mondy (YMCA)

Saturday, August 26, 2006

The World is mine! Part 3 (Quicktime movie)

Basic Story Outline: Young reporter seeks out some interesting things around Osaka
Part 3: Duke Kondou explains the reason for all the madness...
Genre': Docu-drama
Theme: Interesting people
Director: Kohei Kanda
Producer: Steven Mondy (YMCA)

The World is mine! Part 2 (Quicktime movie)

Basic Story Outline: Young reporter seeks out some interesting things around Osaka
Part 2: Some creature possesses our character's girlfriend
Genre': Docu-drama
Theme: Interesting people
Director: Kohei Kanda
Producer: Steven Mondy (YMCA)

The World is mine! Part 1 (Quicktime movie)

Basic Story Outline: Young reporter seeks out some interesting things around Osaka
Genre': Docu-drama
Theme: Interesting people
Director: Kohei Kanda
Producer: Steven Mondy (YMCA)