Monday, September 03, 2007

Ant's Adventure (click here to watch movie)

Basic Story Outline: An ant makes its way through the halls of the YMCA
Genre': Fantasy
Theme: Perspective
Director: Yuriko
Producer: Steven Mondy (YMCA)

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Otaku (click here to watch movie)

Basic Story Outline: A nerdy guy finds his true love through the computer.
Genre': Drama
Theme: Finding true love
Producer: Steven Mondy (YMCA)

A strong desire (click here to watch movie)

Basic Story Outline: Student is bullied at school. He enlists the help of a master, and he is able to defeat the bully.
Genre': Action
Theme: Bullying
Director: Yui
Producer: Steven Mondy (YMCA)